


试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

1.The first European settlement on the continent began in__________.






2.______is not considered a characteristic of London.

A.The sports centre

B.The financial centre

C.The cultural centre

D.The business centre


3.Which of the following is not true about Britain?

A.It used to be one of the superpowers in the world.

B.It used to be an imperial country in the world

C.It plays an active role as a member of European Union

D.It is a relatively wealthy and developed country


4.Which of the following is not involved in making the British foreign policy?

A.The Queen of Britain

B.The Prime Minister and Cabinet

C.The Ministry of Defence and the Treasury

D.The Foreign and Commonwealth Office


5.If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination called_______.

A.the common entrance examination

B.General National Vocational Qualifications

C.General Certificate of Secondary Education

D.General Certificate of Education–Advanced


6.Which of the following statements is not true about Maori population?

A.Non-Maori women tend to have children earlier than Maori women

B.Maori women tend to have more children than non-Maori women

C.Maori population makes up nearly one-seventh of New Zealand’s total populat

D.Maori population is younger than the total population


7.The first European settlement on the continent began in ____________.






8.Which of the following was first adopted in Australia?

A.The two-chamber parliament

B.The three-tier government system

C.The public services

D.Secret Ballots


9.The central part of Ireland is characterized by many lakes, low ridges and(   ).

A.small islands

B.rapid streams

C.peat bogs

D.high cliffs


10.The three most popular leisure activities in Britain are:

A.Watching TV, reading newspapers and listening to the radio.

B.Reading newspapers, watching TV and gardening.

C.Reading newspapers, listening to the radio and gardening.

D.Listening to the radio, watching TV and hunting.


二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

11.The final blow to the Catholic Church came in referendum in 1995, when the Irish people voted for the legal provision of divorce.


12.Musicians are honored most in Ireland.


13.“The City” refers to the historic area at the center of London. It is one of the biggest financial centers with the greatest concentration of banks, insurance companies and businesses dealing in commodities.


14.In 1689, the Bill of Rights was passed under the reign of George I.


15.The convicts Elizabeth and James Ruse became the first successful farming family in Australia.


16.Ethnic minorities in the UK are well represented in the British Parliament.


17.Oxbridge is the name used to refer to the top two universities: Cambridge and Oxford in Britain.


18.In proportional terms, Islam is the fastest growing religion in Australia.


19.Britain consists of three nations: England, Scotland and Wales.


20.Under the White Australia Policy, immigrants to Australia had to take a test in a European language, the failure of which would be given the status of prohibited immigrant.

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