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试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)


A.He answered twelve questions.

B.He answered ten questions.

C.He answered eight questions.

D.He answered six questions.



A.We have to be at the stadium at 5:45.

B.We have to be at the stadium at 6:15.

C.We have to be at the stadium at 6:30.

D.We have to be at the stadium at 6:45.



A.Breakfast was ready before we left.

B.We left without having breakfast.

C.Before breakfast we were ready to leave.

D.We left to get breakfast.



A.After it snowed, Jim washed his car.

B.Jim was unable to wash his car because it was snowing.

C.It began to snow right after Jim washed his car.

D.Jim had to wash his car in the snow.



A.Ninety people came.

B.Thirty people came.

C.Sixty people came.

D.Twenty people came.



A.How was the potluck supper?

B.We had a potluck together.

C.I’d like you to come for our potluck supper.

D.What will you bring for the potluck supper?



A.I went to wrong class.

B.I missed the class.

C.I came to class on time.

D.I was late for class.



A.Eight students couldn’t get in.

B.Eighteen students couldn’t get in.

C.Forty-two students couldn’t get in.

D.Fifty-two students couldn’t get in.



A.Bob saw Mary in the building.

B.Bob saw Mary outside the building.

C.Mary saw bob when she left the building.

D.Mary saw bob when he was leaving the building.



A.I paid 280 dollars for the coat.

B.I paid 218 dollars for the coat.

C.I paid 140 dollars for the coat.

D.I paid 80 dollars for the coat.



A.I don’t mind turning down the radio.

B.Please turn down the radio.

C.Do you mind if I turn down the radio?

D.Please don’t turn down the radio.



A.Please take your hand off the box.

B.Please give me your hand.

C.Would you help me to carry the box?

D.Give me the box, will you?



A.John came at 8:45.

B.John came at 8:50.

C.John came at 7:45.

D.John came at 9:20.



A.Twelve students took the exam.

B.Forty students passed the exam.

C.Twelve students failed the exam.

D.Twenty-eight students failed the exam.



A.It began at 9:00

B.It began at 9:15.

C.It began at 10:00.

D.It began at 10:15.



A.Sixty students were accepted.

B.Ninety students were accepted.

C.Forty students were accepted.

D.Eighty students were accepted.



A.We’ll go to the party if we finish on time.

B.We’ll go to the party after class.

C.We went to the party after the exam.

D.We’re going to have a party when the exam is over.



A.He got up half an hour early.

B.He got up half an hour late.

C.He got up one hour early.

D.He got up one hour late.



A.Her vacation lasted two weeks.

B.Her vacation lasted three weeks.

C.Her vacation lasted four weeks.

D.Her vacation lasted five weeks.



A.It’s 11:00 now.

B.It’s 11:15 now.

C.It’s 11:45 now.

D.It’s 12:15 now.

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