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一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 50 分)

1.The term tone in literature means__________.

A.sound effect such as rhyme and metrical device

B.the pitch of a word used to determine its meaning in the given context

C.the manner of expression to indicate the speaker’s attitude towards the subject

D.a shade of colour to reflect the change of the light


2.Shakespeare‘s tragedies include all the fOllowing except____.

A.Hamlet and King lear

B.Antony and Cleopatra and Macbeth

C.julius Caesar and Othello

D.the Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night`s Dream


3.“Justice was done ; and the president of the Immortals had ended his sport” is a part of the quotation from

A.The Forsyte Saga

B.Jude the Obscure

C.The picture of Dorian Gray

D.Tess of D’ Urbervilles


4.In Hardy‘s Wessex novels,there is an apparent____touch in his description of the simple though primitive rural life.






5.Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best known novels, portrays man as ________.

A.being hereditarily either good or bad

B.being self-sufficient

C.having no control over his own fate

D.still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion


6.“When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table.” (T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”) What does the image in the quoted lines suggest?






7.Of the below poets, has not been awarded Poet Laureate.

A.William Wordsworth

B.Thomas Gray

C.Alfred Tennyson

D.Ben Jon son


8.Here are two lines taken from The Merchant of venice:“NOt on thy Sole,but on thy soul,harsh Jew /thou mak‘st thy knife keen.”What kind of figurative device is used in the above lines?






9.“For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room …”(Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?

A.More time to play.

B.More food to eat.

C.More book to read.

D.More money to spend.


10.A typical Forsyte,according to John Galsworthy,is a man with a strong sense of ____,who never pays any attention to human feelings.






11.In Chapter III of Oliver Twist, Oliver is punished for that “impious and profane offence of asking for more” . What did Oliver ask for more?

A.More time to play

B.More food to eat

C.More books to read

D.More money to spend


12.The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as the _______ period .





13.The most original playwright of the Theater of Absurd is Samuel Beckett and his first play, _______, is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd.

A.Waiting for Godot

B.Murder in the Cathedral

C.Too True to Be Good

D.Mrs. Warren’s Profession


14.Prometheus Unbound is Shelley’s greatest achievement. Prometheus, according to the Greek mythology, was chained by Zeus on Mount Caucasus and suffered the vulture’s feeding on his liver for_________.

A.planning a revolt to dethrone God

B.misinterpreting God’s decree to reconcile man and nature

C.prophesying the arrival of spring in a winter season

D.stealing the fire from heaven and giving it to man


15.Dickinson’s poems include poems of _________.




D.all the above


16.Christoper Marlow’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is a (n) .

A.pastoral lyric





17.Macbeth is Shakespeare’s_______.



C.history play



18.The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrence′s .

A.Lady Chatterley’s Lover

B.Women in love

C.Sons and Lovers

D.The Plumed Serpent


19.The Idylls of the King is written by



C.George Eliot



20.Robert Frost combined traditional verse forms – the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse – with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of _______ farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.



C.New Hampshire

D.New England


二、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 50 分)

21.With Bellow and Singer as Nobel Prize winners , the status of Jewish Literature as an important part of American Literature has been firmly established .


22.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn reflects the moral growth of Tom Sawyer .


23.The poetry of Sentimentalism is characterized by sympathy for the French Revolution .


24.Pope established the heroic couplet as one of the principal English verse forms.


25.Blake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic.


26.The style of Lambs essays is characterized by its humor, familiarity and archaism.


27.Shakespeare was born in April 1564 and died in 1616.


28.Whitman is granted the honor of being ‘‘ the American Goldsmith ‘‘ for his literary craftsmanship .


29.All My Sons is the masterpiece of Arthur Miller .


30.The Rape of the Lock gives an account of an anecdote of the court.


31.Dreiser‘s novels usually have little detailed descriptions of characters and events .


32.Human goodness is one of the most familiar themes in American naturalism .


33.Both Hawthorne and Shakespeare influenced Melville‘s writing of Moby Dick .


34.Morality play presents the conflict of good and evil with allegorical characters


35.Native Son was considered the best book after WWⅡ in 1965 .


36.Wilder demanded his audience to accept the fact that they were watching actors on the stage .


37.The pasture is the setting for the work of Dr. Faustus.


38.The most gifted of the University Wits was Shakespeare.


39.King Lear distributed his territory among his three daughters.


40.Hardy had written and published many poems before he achieved a reputation with his novels.

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