



John F. Kerry was a Vietnam veteran; he was among the Detroit Investigation, accusing America of the war atrocities committed in Vietnam.

John F. Kerry was a Vietnam veteran; he was among the Detroit Investigation, accusing America of the war atrocities committed in Vietnam.

The Vietnam War ended in defeat for the United States. Vietnamese people fought with bravery;

American people staged antiwar movement.

Student riots (protest marches; sit-ins; clashes with police); mass protests(refusing to register for the draft); civil rights movement; etc.

Detroit Investigation奥鹏福师答案请进:opzy.net或请联系微信:1095258436

They were there not just to confess their crimes so that they could rid themselves once and for all of guilty feelings, but to jolt the public consciousness out of its hypocritical dormancy.

To disclose the insensitivity that had penetrated various aspects of American life;

to chastize the very nature of US government policies that had misled the public into thinking that the US was the global guardian of freedom and democracy;

To cast doubt on American idealism as a sound guide of one’s conscience.

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