


试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)

1.In the Middle East people usually exchange short firm handshake.


2.WTO stands for World Trade Committee.


3.Indian people are never late for a scheduled appointment.


4.Late payment will be put into prison according to the Debts Bill.


5.Dyson vacuum cleaner uses bags to collect dust.


6.Marks & Spencer is a major wholesaler selling food, clothes and household furnishings.


7.Companies can help reduce air pollution.


8.Revenue is the profits a company gains in its business.


9.Interviews are usually conducted by Information Technology Department.


10.You have total control of your business in partnership company.


11.Profits plus costs equals revenue.


12.E-commerce refers to electronic shopping from companies’ websites.


13.The head of the departments in the department stores are managers.


14.Companies can only advertise their products on televisions.


15.In Islamic cultures, showing the soles of your feet is a sign of respect.


16.Marks & Spencer is a public limited company.


17.Buying bonds is a better way to make big money.


18.Car companies should use the same sale strategy for both man and women buyers.


19.In conversation, women tend to talk about staff problems and personal matters.


20.Some consumers prefer to buy products from companies with environmental concerns.



试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)

1.Internet provides a wonderful access to integrated media services for international communities.


2.Male body language tends to be self-protection.


3.The male way of speaking does not encourage discussion.


4.The founder of the company is the person who started the company.


5.Specialist retailer is a very large shop with many departments or sections.


6.Ltd after a company’s name means limited liability.


7.Dyson is a brand name for a vacuum cleaner.


8.Offshore bank accounts are tax-free.


9.Financial accounts provide data about operational performance.


10.Applicants for a job should send a letter of application or covering letter.


11.Investors are people who use their money to earn more money.


12.Outlets are often located in shopping centers out of town.


13.Dividends are paid to stockholders no matter whether the company gains or loses.


14.Business is becoming increasingly competitive in the modern world.


15.Barcodes cannot provide information about the price.


16.Dyson vacuum cleaner is different from other products because it is the first suction cleaner.


17.Some customers don’t buy products if companies test them on animals.


18.When one company accumulates enough of another company’s shares, the former will merge with the latter.


19.People can always make money by investing in the stock market.


20.Securities only refer to bonds.



试卷总分:100  得分:100

一、判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)

1.State of the economy affects sales and prices of the businesses.


2.Bic is a one-product business and the only product they produce is ballpoint pen.


3.It is usual to kiss one’s cheeks the first time you meet an American colleague.


4.In Britain, public companies are required to publish their financial results twice a year.


5.Marks & Spencer is a British retailer and department stores all over the world.


6.A retail outlet is the place where customers can purchase goods.


7.Acquisition means takeover.


8.Many countries impose taxes on imported goods.


9.The franchisor sells the franchisee the right to operate a business.


10.Marketing involves different activities in business.


11.Philips’ headquarters have moved to New York, US.


12.The franchisor provides all the information that the franchisee needs to run his or her business.


13.Print media include newspapers, books and magazines.


14.Many companies listen to ethical consumers because they need those consumers to protect the environment.


15.Ford sends spies in order to find out what’s wrong with cars.


16.Advertisement must have its target audience.


17.Media for advertising include direct mail as well.


18.Henry Ford was the first person who used modern production line techniques in car making.


19.Mergers and acquisitions are usually arranged by merchant banks.


20.Listed companies are companies whose names are listed in the advertisements.

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