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1:—Let’sgo to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us. — : Youare such a great fan. ; I am more interested in the film director. ; Can’t waitto watch it.

2:—Youneed to believe that space tourism will grow and get cheaper. Maybe there isanother option. —. : How is it ; What is it ; Where is it

3:—How doyou like Anne Hathaway —. : She is an American actress ; She is amazing ; She’salready married

4:Theatlasis normally kept by the big window but now it isto the wall right next toBroccoli. : struck ; stuck ; take off

5:When wewere students weoften stay up all night. : will ; would ; should

7:—Accordingto a report of what holidays in the future might look like, a trip to the Moonor a stay in space will be the most mouthwatering destination for 2024holidaymakers. —,especially for thrill-seeking travelers like me. : Spectacular; Fancy ; Spectral

8:Everythingwe do has the potentialcreating some bad. : to ; in ; for

9:Therewill be a space hotel in Barcelona Island,you can “experience” space travel byviewing lifelike galaxies through cabin windows. : when ; where ; which

11:—Spacetravel must be very very expensive. —.The cost of a seat on the Virgin craft is$ 250,000. : That’s not true. ; Of course. ; Why do you think so

12:Absolutely,that movieand I must admit that its director is brilliant. : held my breath ;caught my breath ; took my breath away

13:Ourpart of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew willfor us. : take over; take out ; take off

14:YoutheInception, since I remember once you discussed its main plot with Cathy. :could havewatched ; should havewatched ; must have watched

15:   by the promise of these tiny tubes, people are already working toturn the Space Elevator into a reality. : To fuel ; Fueling ; Fueled

16:IfGardener, who will take care of us : leaves ; will leave ; left

17:Ithink the benefits of opening up space farthe damage that we can see. : outwit; outweigh ; outwear

6:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 (教材对话原文) JANET: Hey, how about gettingtogether for a movie tonight DANNY: Sure. {A; B; C; D; E} JANET: Well, let mecheck the Internet. What about the Interstellar DANNY: Wow, I learn that itstars Anne Hathaway, my favorite actress. JANET: Well, {A; B; C; D; E}, but Iam more interested in the film director. DANNY: Who is it JANET: ChristopherNolan, a British-American film director. You must have watched the Inception,one of his masterpieces. DANNY: Absolutely, that movie took my breath away andI must admit that its director is brilliant. {A; B; C; D; E} JANET: Obviouslyit is a sci-fi film, which features a crew of astronauts who travel through awormhole in search of a new home for humanity. DANNY: {A; B; C; D; E} JANET:The screenplay was written by Christopher and his brother Jonathan Nolan.DANNY: You are such a great fan of sci-fi movie. JANET: Yeah, I am really intothis. So let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bringto us. DANNY:{A; B; C; D; E}  A. she isamazing B. What about the screenplay C. Can’t wait to watch it. D. So could youtell me more about Interstellar E. What’s playing国开答案请进:opzy.net或请联系微信:1095258436

10:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 (教材课文原文) _DIARY OF A SPACE ZUCCHINI    _July 1 Today Gardener and his crew willdepart in their seed pod; the replacement crew is ready to {A. carry away; B.carry on; C. carry through} in their place. He is wearing his space suitundergarments. Not too stylish but {A. functional; B. nonfunctional; C.conjunctional}. He gave all of us an extra long smell. His nose twitched withthe slightest tickle from the leaf hairs on little Zuc. He said that what willbe is for the best. It has been a wonderful journey; one chapter is closing,another is {A. to be opened; B. open; C. opening}. He had tears in his eyes,not just a small drop at the corners but a pool that was making him {A. toblink; B. blinking; C. blink}. He reached up and {A. turned up; B. turned out; C.turned down} the light. In the frontier you should not be afraid of the dark

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