
国开电大《文学英语赏析》形考任务辅导资料 【标准答案】

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国开电大《文学英语赏析》网上形考任务试题及说明: 资料整理于 2020 年 11 月 24 日。

形考任务 1Continuous Assessment 1 试题及一、选择题

题目 1: _____ is an example of metaphor.

题目 2: _____ contains an example of simile.

题目 3: _____ is an example of personification.

题目 4: _______ contains an example of assonance.

题目 5: _____ is an example of parallelism.

题目 6: _____ contains two examples of metaphor.

题目 7: _____ contains an example of simile.

题目 8: _______ contains an example of assonance.

题目 9: _____ contains an example of parallelism.

题目 10: _____ is an example of personification.

二、 判断题

题目 11: The proverb Lies have short legs is an example of personification.

题目 12: Suspicions amongst thoughts are like bats amongst birds. is anexample of simile.

题目 13: The runner peaked before the end of the race. is an example ofpersonification.

题目 14: The statement He was my North, my South, my East and West is a goodexample of assonancebecause it contains the repeated m .

题目 15: The life of Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles ofsegregation. containsexamples of metaphor.

题目 16: Don’ t stand there like a tin of milk. is an example of assonance.

题目 17: Her story is one of struggle, success and sadness. is an example ofalliteration.

题目 18: The flowers nodded in the breeze. is an example of personification.

题目 19: Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley ofsegregation to the sunlitpath of racial justice contains examples of irony.

题目 20: Haste makes waste. contains examples of alliteration and assonance.

形考任务 3Continuous Assessment 3 试题及题目


with their WRITERS.

1) The Pearl_ -> John Steinbeck;

2) A Christmas Carol_ -> CharlesDickens;

3) Jane Eyre_ -> Charlotte Bront;

4) Lord of the Flies_ -> WilliamGolding;

5) Heart of Darkness_ -> Joseph Conrad

题目 2: _Heart of Darkness _opens in what physical setting?

题目 3: What is the proper word that can be used to describe Scrooge at thebeginning of _AChristmas Carol_?

题目 4: ____ is the evil character in the novel _The Strange Case of DrJekyll and Mr Hyde_.

题目 5: In_ Lord of the Flies_, a group of boys survive _______ during anuclear war.

题目 6: ___________is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunningintelligence of oneman pitted against the forces of nature.

题目 7: From which novel is the text taken?

题目 8: Which of the following summarizes the method of characterisation?

题目 9: Scrooge is portrayed as _______ in Paragraph 1.

题目 10: The underlined sentence in paragraph 2 can be paragraphed as _____.

题目 11: Which of the following statements best summarizes the text?

题目 12: The text is taken from ______.

题目 13: It is obvious that the three dealers _________.

题目 14: Which of the following is true of the third dealers?

题目 15: In context, the word played is closest in m国开答案请进:opzy.net或请联系微信:1095258436eaning to ______.

题目 16: The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that _____.

形考任务 6Continuous Assessment 6 试题及题目 1: _MACBETH _IS_ _ WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’ S_ _WELL-KNOWN COMEDY.

题目 2: _The Crucible_ by Arthur Miller, concerns a real historicalincident, involvingwitchcraft and an attack of mass hysteria.

题目 3: Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in hisplay _The Importance

of Being Ernest. _

题目 4: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a protest poem against racialdiscrimination.

题目 5: Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost are well-known American poets.

题目 6: In the poem Acquainted with the Night, the speaker expressed hisdistress at the deathof his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life.

题目 7: _The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernest Hemingway’ s best-known short stories.

题目 8: Pip is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _AChristmas Carol_. _ _

题目 9: The novel _ The Heart of Darkness_ exposes the corruption, crueltyand greed of thecolonial system in Africa.

题目 10: I Have a Dream is a famous speech made by President Lincoln duringthe American CivilWar.

题目 11: Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recentpast, then switchingthe action back to an earlier time, farther back in thepast.

题目 12: ________ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical orphonological patternin close proximity.

题目 13: ______ can be established by describing the place where the actiontakes place, orthe situation at the start of the story.

题目 14: _____ is written to commemorate someone who has died.

题目 15: A writer can show character by giving a physical description,through_________and through deeds.

题目 16: _____ is an example of simile.

题目 17: _____ is an example of parallelism.

题目 18: _______ contains an example of alliteration.

题目 19: _____ contains examples of metaphor.

题目 20: _____ is an example of personification.

题目 21: In this text, the relationship between the man and the woman isthat of _________.

题目 22: Proctor is not ready to ______.

题目 23: What does Proctor’ s line Elizabeth, your justice would freezebeer_. _ reveal abouthistrue feelings?

题目 24: From the dialogue between Proctor and Elizabeth, we can be sure________.

题目 25: In the text, Elizabeth is portrayed as _________.

题目 26: The relationship between Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen is that of______.

题目 27: In this extract, Lady Bracknell is interviewing Jack Worthing onhis suitability asa possible ________.

题目 28: Why does Lady Bracknell prefer investments to owning land?

题目 29: Which of the following statement is true, according to the text?

题目 30: Lady Bracknell is portrayed as ______.

形考任务 7Continuous Assessment 7 试题及

题目 1: _Hamlet_, _The Merchant _and _Macbeth, Othello _are 4 well-knowntragedies by WilliamShakespeare.

题目 2: The play _The Crucible _concerns a real historical incident,involving witchcraft andan attack of mass hysteria.

题目 3: Lady Bracknell is a comic character created by Oscar Wilde in hisplay _The Importanceof Being Ernest. _

题目 4: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a protest poem against racialdiscrimination.

题目 5: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are well-known American poets.

题目 6: In the poem Acquainted with the Night, the speaker expressed hisdistress at the deathof his lover and bewilderment of the meaning of life.

题目 7: _The Old Man and the Sea _is one of Ernest Hemmingway’ s best-known works.

题目 8: Scrooge is a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel _AChristmas Carol_.

题目 9: The novel _The Heart of Darkness _exposes the corruption, crueltyand greed of thecolonial system in Africa.

题目 10: I have a dream is a famous speech made by President Lincoln duringthe American CivilWar.

题目 11: Usually ______ works by starting a story at a point in the recentpast, then switchingthe action back to an earlier time, farther back in thepast.

题目 12: ________ occurs when a writer repeats a particular grammatical orphonological patternin close proximity.

题目 13: ___________________ can be established by describing the placewhere the action takesplace, or the situation at the start of the story.

题目 14: _____ is the point in a play or novel where everything comes to ahead, where the maximumemotional reaction of the reader is created.

题目 15: A writer can show character by giving a physical description,through_________and through deeds.

题目 16: _____ is an example of simile.

题目 17: _____ is an example of parallelism.

题目 18: _______ contains an example of alliteration.

题目 19: _____ contains examples of metaphor

题目 20: _____ is an example of personification.

题目 21: In this text, the writer depicts character through _________.

题目 22: At the beginning of the text, Nick says to Marjorie _You knoweverything_. This linecan reveal that __________.

题目 23: What does Nick’ s line _Oh, go away, Bill! Go away for a while. _ reveal about Nick’s true feelings?

题目 24: From the dialogue between Nick and Marjorie, we can be sure________.

题目 25: In the text, we get just the barebones of __________, we rarely get_________.

题目 26: The text is taken from ______.

题目 27: It is obvious that the three dealers _________.

题目 28: Which of the following is true of the third dealers?

题目 29: In context, the word played is closest in meaning to ______.

题目 30: The sentences in the last paragraph suggest that _____.

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